The biggest event that happened this weekend was John wrangling with a Copperhead snake. To avoid grossing anyone out, I will not post the other half of his body. This is our first snake of the summer. Although it is hard to call this summer or even late Spring when we had a 39 degree night on Friday night. I was not present to witness the event, and I am sadden by that fact because John and snakes are usually just funny.

For those of you who have not ever tried to get a Basset Hound to follow direction or at the very least come to you when you call, these pictures dictate what usually happens when we tried to get Fred to come to us. It first starts off with calling him about 30 times, each time we call he walks a step further away. Then it takes one of use herding him back to the house. Because he is so low it is hard to grab his collar, walk and drag him at the same time, so there are times when placing a leg on either side of him and walking while lightly nudging, him will work as John is demonstrating. This works fifty percent of the time while the other fifty percent of the time....
it takes the back breaking collar drag. As you can tell he usually just get lowers and digs himself in. The bum goes down completely, the head lowers and his feet widen their stance. And then the step, drag motion begins. This motion last until you can't straighten your back and you are back to the house.